COLUMNSTRANSGENDER COMMUNITY AND ITS RELATED LAWS IN INDIAIntroduction As Ed Murray said: - “The Transgender Community deserves all the respect and dignity that most people take for granted.” A...
COLUMNSLEGITIMIZATION OF CRYPTOCURRENCYCRYPTOCURRENCY We have all heard of the term Cryptocurrency in the modern world. As its name suggests Cryptocurrency is “virtual...
COLUMNSWHAT’S WRONG WITH THE DEATH PENALTY AND WHY IT IS CRITICALIntroduction A society's criminal law is an instrument of its state, as well as a measure of what stage they are at in its modern...
COLUMNSTWO FACES OF THE AARUSHI TALWAR CASEThe “2008 Noida Double Murder Case”, popularly known as “Aarushi Talwar murder case” is one of the most controversial cases of India. The...
COLUMNSTHE INDIAN TAXATION SYSTEMIntroduction The Indian tax system plays a major role in running the Indian economy. Tax contributes majorly to the government revenue...
COLUMNSRECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE FIELD OF LAWLaw, so before coming into the developments, let us know the definition of law . Law is a rule of conduct developed by the government or...
COLUMNSLIVE IN RELATIONSHIPS AND NUPTIAL AGREEMENT LAWS IN INDIA: WHETHER FAVORABLE OR NOT?John Kennedy once said “Change is the law of life.” Transitions in the lifestyle of people are all right until and unless it does not...
COLUMNSCRITICAL ANALYSIS ON RIGHT TO A FAIR TRIAL UNDER INDIAN LAWSABSTRACT Every civilised country must provide every accused individual, regardless of position, the right to a minimum fair trial as part...
COLUMNSRIGHTS OF TRANSGENDER UNDER THE INDIAN LEGAL SYSTEMIntroduction People who identify as transgender do not fit the usual gender conventions that only recognize males or females as genders....