KNOW THE LAWWHAT IS A TRADEMARK? ALL YOU NEED TO KNOWTrademarks, in addition to copyrights and patents, fall under the umbrella of "intellectual property." Protection of intellectual...
COLUMNSTRADEMARK DILUTION: BLURRING AND TARNISHMENTIntroduction It is very well known that Trademarks have been used centuries now even before there was a law to govern them. The World...
KNOW THE LAWTRADEMARK – EXTENSIVE ANALYSIS OF ITS NATURE, SALIENT PRINCIPLES AND INFRINGEMENTINTRODUCTION Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are a section of those legal rights granted to an author, inventor in order to protect...
KNOW THE LAWTRADEMARKSIntellectual property rights are the rights given to a person for the creation of his mind. IPRs are provided exclusively to the creator...
COLUMNSAn Overview of Trademark Infringement in IndiaWith the emergence of high-profile lawsuits involving well-known companies, India's intellectual property sector has expanded...